Quick join using PHP
In this section you'll learn how to generate join token for joining a session using PHP. The flow will be like this:

Step one to download plugNmeet-sdk-php library
We'll use plugNmeetConnect.php class.
Create a file
require __DIR__ . "/plugNmeetConnect.php";
$config = new stdClass();
$config->plugnmeet_server_url = "http://localhost:8080";
$config->plugnmeet_api_key = "plugnmeet";
$config->plugnmeet_secret = "zumyyYWqv7KR2kUqvYdq4z4sXg7XTBD2ljT6";
$connect = new plugNmeetConnect($config);
$roomId = "room01"; // must be unique. You can also use $connect->getUUID();
$max_participants = 0; // value 0 means no limit (unlimited)
$user_full_name = "Your name";
$userId = "Your-Unique-User-Id"; // must be unique for each user.
$roomMetadata = array(
"room_features" => array(
"allow_webcams" => true,
"mute_on_start" => false,
"allow_screen_share" => true,
"allow_rtmp" => true,
"allow_view_other_webcams" => true,
"allow_view_other_users_list" => true,
"admin_only_webcams" => false,
"enable_analytics" => true,
"allow_virtual_bg" => true,
"allow_raise_hand" => true,
"room_duration" => 0 // in minutes. 0 = no limit/unlimited
"recording_features" => array(
"is_allow" => true,
"is_allow_cloud" => true,
"is_allow_local" => true,
"enable_auto_cloud_recording" => false
"chat_features" => array(
"allow_chat" => true,
"allow_file_upload" => true
"shared_note_pad_features" => array(
"allowed_shared_note_pad" => true
"whiteboard_features" => array(
"allowed_whiteboard" => true,
//"preload_file" => "https://mydomain.com/text_book.pdf"
"external_media_player_features" => array(
"allowed_external_media_player" => true
"waiting_room_features" => array(
"is_active" => false,
"breakout_room_features" => array(
"is_allow" => true,
"allowed_number_rooms" => 2
"display_external_link_features" => array(
"is_allow" => true,
"ingress_features" => array(
"is_allow" => true,
"speech_to_text_translation_features" => array(
"is_allow" => true,
"is_allow_translation" => true,
"end_to_end_encryption_features" => array(
"is_enabled" => false,
"default_lock_settings" => array(
"lock_microphone" => false,
"lock_webcam" => false,
"lock_screen_sharing" => true,
"lock_whiteboard" => true,
"lock_shared_notepad" => true,
"lock_chat" => false,
"lock_chat_send_message" => false,
"lock_chat_file_share" => false,
"lock_private_chat" => false // user can always send private message to moderator
$isRoomActive = false;
$output = new stdClass();
$output->status = false;
try {
$res = $connect->isRoomActive($roomId);
if (!$res->getStatus()) {
$output->msg = $res->getResponseMsg();
} else {
$isRoomActive = $res->isActive();
$output->status = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$output->msg = $e->getMessage();
if (!$isRoomActive && $output->status) {
try {
$create = $connect->createRoom($roomId, "Test room", "Welcome to room", $max_participants, "", $roomMetadata);
$isRoomActive = $create->getStatus();
$output->status = $create->getStatus();
$output->msg = $create->getResponseMsg();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$output->msg = $e->getMessage();
if ($isRoomActive && $output->status) {
try {
$join = $connect->getJoinToken($roomId, $user_full_name, $userId, true);
$output->url = $config->plugnmeet_server_url . "?access_token=" . $join->getToken();
// or you can set cookie name `pnm_access_token` with that token & redirect
$output->status = $join->getStatus();
$output->msg = $join->getResponseMsg();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$output->msg = $e->getMessage();
When we'll get value of $output->url
that time we can redirect user like this:
header("Location: " . $output->url);
You can also build plugNmeet client interface by using getClientFiles API. You'll be able to customize the page more freely and won't need to use iFrame. Have a look an example of conference.php file.